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Isolation in a few figures :

Isolation is affecting more and more people. Whether young or old, all social categories are affected. Nearly one person in 5 has already experienced this feeling of isolation. A paradox when all technologies tend to bring us closer together.

Hypersensitive people are usually introverts and can quickly find themselves isolated, frightened by the world around them, by the choices they have to make.

So how do you prevent isolation?

First of all, we need to work on our hyper-emotionality, because this is what will isolate us. By no longer being able to manage our emotions, we're going to isolate ourselves in spite of ourselves. It's a vicious circle. The more isolated we become, the harder it will be to reach out to others. We'll ask ourselves hundreds of questions about our behavior. Is it appropriate? Have I been too much or too little? And then we fall back into isolation, thinking we'll never make it... so let's work on this hyperemotivity using existing methods such as cardiac coherence.

Once we've managed our hyperemotionality :

So let's tackle our habits. Isolation means staying at home. The hardest thing is to make the change. It takes 21 days for the brain to integrate the change and for it to become a new habit.

Start by going out once a day simply to walk, to be there in the moment, to feel the people around you.

Start a group activity once a week.

Read at least one book a month, which will feed your brain and indirectly connect you to people.

Ban depressing news.

All these changes are designed to re-socialize you. I won't hide from you the fact that changing your habits will be uncomfortable at first.

Be careful not to confuse solitude with isolation. We can be lonely but surrounded by loved ones, knowing that our friends are there, as opposed to isolated where there's no one.

There are many associations for hypersensitive people who can bring you human warmth.

In addition to associations specifically for hypersensitive people, you can also find out about outings that appeal to you on OVS.

I wish you all the best,



  1. Chris-Armand

    17 June 2021 at 19 h 01 min

    Not bad at all! We're definitely living in a world of paradoxes: all connected but alone! Well, unless you take part in an eco-village or collective permaculture project, but that's no panacea either, because you have to be able to find your place in a balanced way... Chris

  2. Geoff

    17 August 2021 at 14 h 44 min

    thank you for your kind and pertinent advice 🙂

  3. Zaza30.

    30 October 2021 at 18 h 15 min

    Great advice. Thanks a lot.
    How can I find associations near me? I've searched and searched ...
    OVS: I'm going to look at what they offer near Avignon; I'd stopped using OVS because now it's not free. So paying when you're confined all the time isn't great! To be seen.

    • Valentino

      30 October 2021 at 19 h 03 min

      You can create events free of charge from your profile, so you can meet as a group.
      That's a nice approach. 🙏🏻

  4. Joannaly

    9 January 2022 at 23 h 02 min

    Isolation seems to be a protection that ultimately turns into solitude...
    Thank you for these tips and for this site.

  5. Ima.

    23 January 2022 at 22 h 02 min

    Isolation is the place where I can live without being overwhelmed by the emotions and intentions of others, by the sensory stimuli they provoke.
    Yesterday pm, I went to the cinema, the room almost empty, quiet until my nostrils were assaulted by the scent of an overpowering perfume.

    Leave...? stay and put a hood over your mask?

    This is the daily life of hyperesthetics in society

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