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Hyperdoo - EntreHypersensibles le premier réseau social dédié aux hypersensibles.

As hypersensitive people, numbers can be just as hostile to us as words. They can attack us, pigeonhole us and scare us away. But words, like numbers, are useful to us and, if used wisely, can give us an indication, without dehumanising what they describe. They guide us and enable us to form an opinion.

Si nous devions vous décrire Hyperdoo – Entrehypersensibles par les chiffres et les mots, nous vous dirions que c’est 1 communauté indépendante, avec plus de 2000 inscriptions en moins d’un an d’existence. Que ce sont des centaines de rencontres amicales et des dizaines de couples formés.

Lors de votre inscription, nous vous attribuerons 1 point de bienveillance. Vous pourrez en faire de même avec les membres de Hyperdoo – Entrehypersensibles avec qui vous avez des affinités qu’elles soient amoureuses ou amicales.

Our members testify

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12/05/2024 17:58
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12/05/2024 17:57
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12/05/2024 17:57
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Hello dear lady
04/07/2023 14:13
I'm writing to you because your hypersensitivity means a lot to me. How about a bit of Cosette if you feel like it ♥️ !!!! Best regards Alessandro big
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06/05/2023 16:39
Hypersensitive and proud of it, I'd like to make friends with other hypersensitive women, so that we can share a deeper understanding of what surrounds us. Contact me if you live near Châtillon (92 south, west or south of Paris). See you soon!
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15/04/2023 17:30
A beautiful book to be shared and enjoyed by all:Serge Marquis "Le jour où j'ai commencé à m'aimer pour de vrai" (The day I began to love myself for real)I highly recommend this read.There is nothing more beautiful than loving and being loved. Take care of yourself and the people you love. With all my heart, Michel
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07/04/2023 23:19
I always knew I was hypersensitive. (respect for animals, empathy, desire to help, need to create...). But I discovered all that encompasses a short time ago after reading several books.It was a revelation for me. I have a different vision of my life path now that I understand myself better.
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07/04/2023 23:19
I always knew I was hypersensitive. (respect for animals, empathy, desire to help, need to create...). But I discovered all that encompasses a short time ago after reading several books.It was a revelation for me. I have a different vision of my life path now that I understand myself better.
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A self-discovering hypersensitive
22/03/2023 16:22
After 36 years of life and some very difficult relationships, I've discovered my hypersensitivity... and I'm proud of it :-). I feel the need to talk and meet people with whom I can create links.
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11/04/2022 05:55
Hi everyone
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07/04/2022 20:30
I'm delighted to be with you! 🌹 Thank you Valentino for this beautiful site...See you soon, don't hesitate if you need more information!Aurélie www.empathologue.fr
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02/04/2022 22:15
You B-B 64 (betty) that I met here 10 days ago. You with whom I was able to talk, and whose discussions soothed me. I felt a beautiful soul in you and you have marked my life. You've decided to leave the site (for your own reasons), and tonight my heart is crying. I have no way of contacting you and I will miss you. May your life be beautiful. And I hope that fate will give you a...
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Super site
10/12/2021 20:55
Top, I've been able to meet people thanks to this site. Open-minded, good energy. If you're hypersensitive, go for it with your eyes closed. ☺️
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23/08/2021 20:10
I'm happy to be able to talk to people who are like me and who will therefore be careful about the words they use.
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oh yéh
23/08/2021 11:56
I live in Nîmes, I'm 38, I'm looking for new friends and/or a boyfriend.
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Hypersensitive, a site for us? Great!
15/08/2021 23:01
I'm delighted to have discovered this site As a hypersensitive person, I often felt out of step with other people in my social and professional life.For me, hypersensitivity means kindness.I look forward to talking to you!
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Axel 56
Oyé braves gens...
15/08/2021 20:04
Little by little, as I discovered this site, I felt comfortable and, for the 1st time, cool in my trainers! I wear trainers very regularly! In my life, it's quite tricky, not to be me, but to try and make myself understood. The people I come into contact with aren't used to meeting 'colourful characters' like us, I have to admit. But...
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My story
18/06/2021 15:07
Hello to all members. I'm discovering my hypersensitivity. Personally, I was under a lot of protection and didn't even know I was sensitive. Knowing this does me a world of good, it's a real release. A right to live...The details of my story later when I've assimilated.Welcome to my future new friends
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06/03/2021 21:08
What a handicap this hypersensitivity is, but at the same time I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world! My aim in registering on this site is just to share this specificity that makes us different people.
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New arrival
31/10/2020 20:44
Hello everyone I very recently discovered that I am hypersensitive and what a relief 😅 I am normal just more sensitive and finally what a chance it is a real gift. I'd really like to share it with others who understand me. So if you feel like it, it's with great pleasure and a lot of emotion that I'll reply. Christel
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Meeting people who are like me
08/09/2020 09:21
Hello, I'm 46 and I'm becoming aware that I don't have a circle of friends with people who know about hypersensitivity and understand it. I need to widen this circle to get out of a kind of withdrawal into myself, and my daughter is pushing me to meet people who are themselves hypersensitive, hence my registration.
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Simple comic book explanations.
27/02/2020 21:39
I've just ordered this little booklet that the illustrator put on paper at the request of several people. I think it will help you to understand more quickly. https://www.bdhypersensible.com/accueil/20-livret-hypersensible.html
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Deep Gratitude
07/02/2020 12:38
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and I was very interested to find out that there is a community of hypersensitive people because we often find it hard to be understood by a larger number of people who sometimes categorise us as too fragile or too demanding. I'm delighted to be here. I would like to express my gratitude to the author of this site for this initiative. Thank you

Why Hyperdoo?

Find the person who really suits you

Hypersensitive Love Hypersensitive Dating

It's based on an observation. Hypersensitivity is a major trait shared by almost 20 % of the world's population..
Between the classic sites and those that focus more on one-night stands, no dating site really offers this criterion as its main selection criterion.

When you register with Hyperdoo, you know that the members of the site you talk to will have this in common with you, which is a great advantage.
In addition to this benefit, by joining Hyperdoo, you're helping to give our company the place you deserve, because we know just how much the internet can influence the world. The more proud and fulfilled we are of who we are, the more we will influence society.

Hypersensitive Love Hypersensitive Dating
Hypersensitive Love Hypersensitive Dating

Joining Hyperdoo gives you the opportunity to meet people, share ideas and improve your life and the lives of others..
Stop doubting your potential. Be part of the change now.

And because being a zebra means being hypersensitive, the site is of course open to zebritude.
Whether or not you want your zebra side to appear on the site is up to you when you register.

Hypersensitive Love Hypersensitive Dating

Hypersensitivity test (Adult)

Answer each question according to how you feel personally. If the sentence fits you very well or fairly well, score one point. If the sentence doesn't really apply to you or doesn't apply to you at all, don't count any points.

Answer each question truthfully: 

YES if this applies to you to some extent,

NO if it doesn't really apply or doesn't apply at all.

Here are your results
1I'm aware of the subtle nuances of my environment
2Other people's moods affect me
3I'm very sensitive to pain
4I need to retreat during the hectic days, either to bed in bed, or in a darkened room, or in any other place where I am likely to be quiet and free from all stimulation
5I'm particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine
6I'm easily overwhelmed by bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics or nearby sirens. strong smells, coarse fabrics or nearby sirens
7I have a rich and complex inner life
8The noise bothers me
9The arts and music evoke deep emotion in me
10When other people feel uncomfortable in their material environment, I can usually sense what I need to do to make them feel better to make them feel better (change the lighting, offer other seats)
11I jump easily
12I get annoyed when I have a lot to do in a short space of time
13I am a conscientious person
14I lose it when people try to make me do too many things at once. things at once
15I try really hard to avoid making mistakes or omissions
16I try to avoid films and programmes that contain scenes of violence
17I get upset when a lot of things are happening around me me
18Hunger provokes a strong reaction in me, disturbs my concentration and my mood
19I'm shaken by the changes in my life
20I notice and appreciate delicate scents and tastes, soft noises, subtle works of art
21When I have to compete with others, or when I'm being observed while I'm working, I lose my composure and get a much worse result than when I'm left alone. left alone
22When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to seemed to think of me as sensitive or shy
23I do my best to avoid situations that worrying or disturbing
Discover my results
Hypersensitivity test created by Elaine Aron
Total yes: From 14 positive responses, you are probably hypersensitive (carrier of the trait of sensitivity of sensory processes). But no test should carry so much weight that you base your whole life on it. If you feel hypersensitive but have less than 14 points, you can still act on this new information. on the basis of this new information. If you are also a sensation-seeker (see test on the same page), you may lose points in questions 12, 14, 17 and 19 of this test and still be hypersensitive. you are still hypersensitive. It's up to you to see if you recognise yourself overall.

Valentino's advice

On reflection, rather than giving you anxiety-inducing advice about how the world is a bad place, I'll simply say this: have fun, respect yourself and trust your instincts. 


A word about Valentino Martins, the website's creator.

H as in hypersensitive

Valentino Martins has been hypersensitive since conception. It took him 30 years to realise this, and another 5 to come to terms with it... what about you?

B is for benevolent

Valentino Martins puts the human aspect first.

O as in obstinate

Valentino Martins is stubborn. One of his greatest fantasies is for Hyperdoo to bring together hypersensitive people from all over the world.

Welcome to the Hyperdoo - EntreHypersensibles team.

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.


Hyperdoo is committed to ensuring respect for goodwill on its site. You can report abusive behaviour to us at any time. Our main objective is to guarantee you a positive experience.


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